Spring is Hare Bookmark

There is little to rival the joy of a good book… it’s one of life’s little pleasures. Brighten up someone’s day with one of these beautiful bookmark designs. Waterproof and measuring 19cm x 5cm. Why not send with one of the gorgeous Greeting Cards which each have a lovely poem by the Artist on the reverse.


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Spring is Hare Bookmark

There is little to rival the joy of a good book… it’s one of life’s little pleasures. Brighten up someone’s day with one of these beautiful bookmark designs. Waterproof and measuring 19cm x 5cm. Why not send with one of the gorgeous Greeting Cards which each have a lovely poem by the Artist on the reverse.


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Spring is Hare

I walk through the meadow with joy in my heart
Baby blue skies above blowing the clouds apart
New life and promise emerging from every new thing
The call of the curlew heralding the arrival of spring
Birds bustle in and out of hedges building their nests
Bluebells burst through in a carpet of blue mist
Lambs and ducklings with speckled blue eggs
Tulips and daffodils with trumpeting heads
Buzzing of bees circling on invisible threads
Blue tits and swallows busy making their beds
Butterflies gently waltzing in the new spring air
A spider gracefully spinning her web as I stare
Bright golden dandelion heads following the sun
Trickling riverbeds now free to flow and run
Fluffy ears of foxgloves and lady’s mantle emerge
Cheerful cherry blossom in delicate petals unfurl
Fields of yellow lesser calendines begin to shine
The glorious splendour of the british countryside
And sitting right there in a patch of fresh blooms
Is the elusive little hare, just enjoying their perfume


All artwork and poems copyright protected by the Artist. Sarah Reilly, Love Country by Sarah Reilly. All rights reserved.

Weight 8 g
Dimensions 58 × 194 × 1 mm


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