The Milk Maids Magnet

Looking for a small gift? These fridge magnets make charming little presents at only £2.50 each making them a terrific and affordable way to share a mini print of one of Sarah’s watercolours. They are also perfect to send with a Love Country Greeting Card too! Each magnet measures 9.5 x 6.5cm made from strong plastic and comes in a cellophane bag.


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The Milk Maids Magnet

Looking for a small gift? These fridge magnets make charming little presents at only £2.50 each making them a terrific and affordable way to share a mini print of one of Sarah’s watercolours. They are also perfect to send with a Love Country Greeting Card too! Each magnet measures 9.5 x 6.5cm made from strong plastic and comes in a cellophane bag.


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The Milk Maids

Deep in the heart of the Cotswolds stands a thatched cottage on Daisy Dale Farm
In summer the pink roses cover the entrance greeting visitors with undeniable charm
They come for the fresh speckled golden eggs that Mrs Potts sells from the garden gate
Her juicy pork pies and pear and ginger crumble are famous at the local country fete
Married after the war, a simple farm life was what they both had in their hearts
Life was hard back then but with love and kindness they got through a difficult start
Even though farming life is hard, Farmer Potts is more laidback than you might think
For his grandfather taught him the secret, he knows happy cows produce the best milk
So, with this knowledge in mind, Daisy Dale was always destined to be filled with milking cows
So, in the first light of dawn the farmer heads to the barn fulfilling his early morning vow
“Good Morning ladies!” He calls with joy in his heart as many black and white heads come into view
“Moo!” They greet him happily, jostling themselves into position they know just what to do
As the ladies line up, he attaches the milkers letting them know its time to let the milk flow
Whistling as he works, calling the cows in turn as they happily run in and clattering out, they go
Filling the jars with their delicious warm milk, some of which goes to their calf’s eager young bellies
After hours of work the farmer heads off for his breakfast grateful to remove his wellies
The cows moo contentedly as they head out to the pastures to enjoy a good natter and a graze
Plenty of time to eat before they are milked again and then enjoy the suns afternoon haze
Slowly another day passes and the farmer heads indoors as stars begin to twinkle overhead
Their busy farming life fills them with contentment as the Potts drift off silently in their cosy bed
Outside the graceful resident Barn Owl hoots as he sits in the rafters of the old dairy barn
Watching over the lovely ladies as they settle down for another peaceful night on Daisy Dale Farm


All artwork and poems copyright protected by the Artist. Sarah Reilly, Love Country by Sarah Reilly. All rights reserved.

Weight 98 g
Dimensions 68 × 68 × 5 mm


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